
Company Overview
Established in 1998, J. C. Broderick & Associates, Inc. (JCB) is a multi-disciplined environmental & construction consulting and testing firm. Our staff is comprised of Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH), Certified Safety Professionals (CSP), Professionals Engineers (PE), scientists, consultants, project managers, technicians, certified environmental/construction specialists and administrative support staff. We offer a full range of environmental and construction inspection/testing related services.
Our staff provides services to a broad range of government agencies, cooperative, and private clients throughout the entire northeast. We are recognized in our fields for achieving our client's objective, providing quality services, and completing project work on time and on budget. The size and depth of our organization ensures that all projects can be consistently staffed with qualified personnel.

JCB's qualified project managers/scientists, field staff and laboratories are available to provide our services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. We have created an infrastructure that allows us to respond to any emergency that may arise.